Skipping the Strike Vote, But Going to the Picket Lines
Brian McDougall on the contradictions and lessons of the 2023 PSAC general strike, the largest strike by a single union in Canadian history.
Brian McDougall on the contradictions and lessons of the 2023 PSAC general strike, the largest strike by a single union in Canadian history.
Annie Faye Cheng on migrant farm workers’ creative tactics when faced with exclusion from traditional legal and trade-union protections, in both Canada and the United States.
Andrew Lee on emergent solidarities against gentrification and displacement.
Patty Krawec on vital Indigenous practices that defy colonial forces of assimilation and show us the power of mutual aid.
How might we say no to shortcuts, but yes to fresh experiments in building new organizational forms on the left?
Tapji Garba on the relationship between police power and the state, and what it might tell us about how to fight for abolition.
S. K. Hussan on the fight for permanent residency rights for 1.7 million migrants in the Canadian state – a case study in building revolutionary organizing.
Andrea Pinochet-Escudero on possibilities awakened and capacities built during the VOTE Socialist electoral bid for municipal office in Vancouver.
John Clarke on the need to move beyond the demobilizing compromise between capital and organized labour that developed in the post-war period, with its rules of engagement that no longer serve the working class.
David Camfield on competing strategic visions of the fight for climate justice today, and why mass movements are indispensable. Excerpted from the new book Future on Fire: Capitalism and the Politics of Climate Change.