A Victory for Organized Tenants, A Victory for Toronto’s Working Class
Marcel Nelson on successful tenant organizing in a brutal rental market.
Marcel Nelson on successful tenant organizing in a brutal rental market.
How do we forge left infrastructure with maximum resilience, able to mobilize in moments of crisis but also survive between upturns in struggle?
Sid Jackson, writing for Voices 4 Unhoused Liberation, on struggling for dignity and justice alongside shelter hotel residents in Toronto.
Brian McDougall on possibilities and pitfalls after the rank-and-file activist takeover of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees' elected leadership in December 2023.
David Camfield on how we should understand the working class today, and why that understanding matters for building solidarity and power.
James Hutt on organizing in Canada’s labour movement to advance the struggle for Palestinian liberation.
Blair Attard-Frost on resistance to artificial intelligence, backlashes against the governance of AI systems, and possibilities for bottom-up AI governance led by communities and workers.
kate klein and griffin epstein on challenging the labour movement to take the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and disability justice seriously, and on alternative modes of labour organizing when traditional forms fall short.
Caleb Fenez on sporting events as police propaganda, the 2023 World Police and Fire Games in Winnipeg, and abolitionist strategy for opposing them.
Emma Bainbridge speaks with Norman Nawrocki about his new book Red Squared Montreal, a fictional chronicle of the 2012 student strike.