"this second / we could all be / deciding to build / a global movement / of workers against war / & militarism..." A new poem by stevie redwood.
"this second / we could all be / deciding to build / a global movement / of workers against war / & militarism..." A new poem by stevie redwood.
Two poems about "a defiance that’s so simple, / so impossible," by Daniel Sarah Karasik.
"...and in the absence of tractors / and the absence of fences and the absence of guards..." A new poem by Jake Romm.
"If I am, then I am lost. If I am lost, someone will take me home." Poetry by Sanna Wani.
"The blaze is the baptism, sometimes, & sometimes the requiem." A new poem by stevie redwood.
In two new poems, Dominick Knowles traces capitalist exploitation's omnipresence: from the darkest depths of the sea to the broken surfaces of the city.
Dan Darrah on grocery store workers, and all the things said and unsaid while on the clock: "a clandestine circle of renters, debtors / speaking about today’s time and a half..." A new poem.
"In less than ten years / cities will drown." A poem by Sanchari Sur.
"these days I think that almost everyone is good. how awful for us: good, here, in this world!" Two poems by Evelyna Ekoko-Kay.